Bug #866
Rejoining a temporarily hidden channel or query does not unhide it
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If i part a channel and temporarily hide it, and later rejoin the channel, the channel stays hidden until there is activity. Auto-hiding is off. This could be considered a "missing feature" rather then a bug, but its a relevant usability issue IMHO, as it requires manually unhiding the channel again. The same applies for hidden querys (/query user should unhide it).
Tested with 0.5.1 dist-7cae1af on Win XP. (Why can't i select 0.5.1 as version?)
Related issues
Associated revisions
Unhide buffer when joining or querying and it was temporarily hidden. fixes #866
#1 Updated by Anonymous over 14 years ago
Agreed -- if the buffer is manually activated, it should automatically unhide [at least w/ "temporarily hidden" buffers]
#2 Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset ed178d5c517ad031444fc64f1f85f9ea7a926e15.
#3 Updated by johu about 13 years ago
- Target version set to 0.7.4
- Version changed from 0.5.0 to 0.7.2
Unhide buffer when joining or querying and it was temporarily hidden. fixes #866