Bug #342
A hidden query buffer won't be redisplayed when you query that person again.
1) /query person
2) Say something
3) Right click -> Hide Buffer
4) /query person again
No window is opened and no buffer is added to the bufferlist, which makes it kinda hard to talk to that person again :)
Using the "Query" menu option in the nickname's context menu does open a new window, but it doesn't show the name in the bufferlist.
Related issues
#1 Updated by Sputnick almost 16 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
#2 Updated by Sputnick almost 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- Version set to 0.3.1+
#3 Updated by kitterma almost 16 years ago
Still an issue as of 090119. Additionally, if I receive input from someone else in the buffer, it appears on the bufferlist again, but if I send information in the buffer, it does not. If just typing information in the buffer would cause it to reappear on the bufferlist that would help a lot.
#4 Updated by Daegalus over 15 years ago
The same can be applied to channels that have been Parted from and temporarily hidden. When I join them again, It will not show them until someone in that channel talks. You have to manually go in and make it show for you to use it.
#5 Updated by al almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Closed
- Version changed from 0.3.1+ to 0.3.0.x