


Feature #1412

Support Bitlbee self messages

Added by DesktopMan over 8 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


I'm using Quassel with Bitlbee. Bitlbee supports self messages where anything you say using other clients (e.g. Facebook chat, etc.) is sent to the client as a PRIVMSG with your own hostmask in the source and the nick of someone else in the target. Quassel currently shows these messages as a new query from myself to myself which is not right. Properly supporting these messages would allow them to show up in the query for the user I'm talking to. There should be no notification for them since they're from yourself.

See this for details:


#1 Updated by bart over 8 years ago


I've got the same issue.
I've fixed this with the following patch:

diff --git a/src/core/ircparser.cpp b/src/core/ircparser.cpp
index 44b4b52..19390a1 100644
--- a/src/core/ircparser.cpp
+++ b/src/core/ircparser.cpp
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void IrcParser::processNetworkIncoming(NetworkDataEvent *e)
             QStringList targets = net->serverDecode(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
             QStringList::const_iterator targetIter;
             for (targetIter = targets.constBegin(); targetIter != targets.constEnd(); ++targetIter) {
-                QString target = net->isChannelName(*targetIter) || net->isStatusMsg(*targetIter) ? *targetIter : senderNick;
+                QString target = net->isChannelName(*targetIter) || net->isStatusMsg(*targetIter) ? *targetIter : net->isMyNick(senderNick) ? *targetIter : senderNick;

                 msg = decrypt(net, target, msg);

Can this patch be applied?

#2 Updated by DesktopMan over 8 years ago

bart wrote:


I've got the same issue.
I've fixed this with the following patch:


Can this patch be applied?

No respons yet? Support for this would be greatly appreciated.

#3 Updated by SmallR2002 over 8 years ago

Bump from me as well.

#4 Updated by digitalcircuit over 8 years ago

Quassel now supports self messages in the latest git master code (commit hash fa2e185ecffa83feca93577a2f8348d554e61f96). See merged pull request #202 for more details:

Whenever 0.13 is released, someone ought update the Bitlbee wiki page :)

#5 Updated by genius3000 over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version set to 0.13.0
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

See note above from digitalcircuit.

#6 Updated by Avamander almost 6 years ago

I installed Quasselcore v.13 but I'm still having this issue, I suspect it is because there's no way to tell Quassel that I have multiple real names. Currently every single bitlbee libpurple plugin creates a variation of my username, for example I'm logged into bitlbee with real name `foo` but libpurple-plugins show me with usernames such as `Foo`, `Foo_`, `Bar`.

Adding those under the used identity's nicks did not fix the problem - self messages are still displayed in a single buffer per real name variation.

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