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sph, 03/09/2009 07:21 PM
This article describes how you can use Quassel with the PostgreSQL database. It is written from a FreeBSD point of view, but the process should be very similar for any other system out there.
Also make sure you have the qt4-pgsql plugin installed, otherwise Quassel will not support the PostgreSQL backend.
Preparing the database¶
We will assume you installed PostgreSQL and properly ran the initdb script.
Login using the database account (in my case pgsql)
# su pgsql
Now let's create the quassel database and assign an account.
$ createdb quassel $ psql quassel quassel=# create role quassel with password 'somepassword';
Setting up the Quassel Core¶
Now that the database is running properly, we are going to tell Quassel to use the correct backend.
Use one of the two steps below and you're done!
For a new core¶
$ quasselcore --select-backend=PostgreSQL
To migrate an existing core¶
$ quasselcore --migrate-backend=PostgreSQL
An interactive script will request the necessary information to migrate successfully.