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aleding, 04/09/2017 03:57 AM
Autostart Core on Mac¶
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- Autostart Core on Mac
One common method by which to start a daemon on the Mac, either in realtime or at boot, is to use launchd. Using this method requires the creation of a property list file (plist) which is used by launchd to start the desired daemon which is, in this particular scenario, the quasselcore daemon. Also, while our primary goal is to have the daemon launch at boot, much of the following also applies to manually using launchd (via the launchctl command) to run & stop the same daemon via the command line in realtime.
NOTE: The terms "launch controller" or "controller" are used as shorthand in reference to using the launchctl command.
Creating & saving the plist file¶
First, we need to create the necessary plist file which will then be saved to the user's launch agent directory - examples and location are provided below (if the file exists in the proper location, you may skip this step):
plist example (by e-jat)¶
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
plist save location¶
FILENAME: org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
DIRECTORY: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
FULL FILENAME: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
Manually loading & unloading using the launch controller¶
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
Configuring runtime options¶
Several runtime options exist to enhance and modify quasselcore's operation (see list below). These options apply to both daemon launch methods: (a) via the controller (i.e. launchd); or (b) via the command line. When launching the daemon via the controller, all options are specified in the same plist file created above. Each option is specified by the use of <string> statements in the ProgramArguments array section of the plist. When entering the different options, no white-space or other parsing is entered - the controller will take care of those specifics. Syntax and examples follow:
plist option argument syntax
EXAMPLE 1: listen on non-default port
<string>-p 12345</string>
EXAMPLE 2: enable logging to syslog
EXAMPLE 3: enable debug mode
<string>-d</string> OR <string>--debug</string>
EXAMPLE 4: all of the above along with the ProgramArguments section header
<string>-p 12345</string>
Runtime option list¶
--debug, -d Enable debug output --help, -h Display this help and exit --version, -v Display version information --configdir, -c <path> Specify the directory holding configuration files, the SQlite database and the SSL certificate --configdir instead --listen <<address>[,<address>[,...]]> The address(es) quasselcore will listen on --port, -p <port> The port quasselcore will listen at --norestore, -n Don't restore last core's state --loglevel, -L <level> Loglevel Debug|Info|Warning|Error --syslog Log to syslog --logfile, -l <path> Log to a file --select-backend <backendidentifier> Switch storage backend (migrating data if possible) --add-user Starts an interactive session to add a new core user --change-userpass <username> Starts an interactive session to change the password of the user identified by <username> --oidentd Enable oidentd integration --oidentd-conffile <file> Set path to oidentd configuration file --require-ssl Require SSL for remote (non-loopback) client connections --ssl-cert <path> Specify the path to the SSL Certificate --ssl-key <path> Specify the path to the SSL key --enable-experimental-dcc Enable highly experimental and unfinished support for CTCP DCC (DANGEROUS)