


Feature #452

Add option to minimize to tray on startup

Added by sph about 16 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Quassel GUI (Qt)
Target version:
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Someone asked me about this, as far as I know there is no such option. It might be useful if you automatically launch Quassel when starting the desktop.

Associated revisions

Revision 65e81b75 (diff)
Added by Manuel Nickschas almost 16 years ago

Properly save and restore the mainwindow state

We now save size, position, maximize, minimize and hidden-to-tray on exit
and restore it at next start. Since Qt's restoreState() has some issues, I had
to workaround things a bit, so please test on your system and report if there are
still problems with the current implementation!

Fixes #677, fixes #452 (since the state is remembered, so just quit Quassel using the
tray context menu while it's hidden).

Revision 525d0aa9 (diff)
Added by Manuel Nickschas almost 16 years ago

Properly save and restore the mainwindow state

We now save size, position, maximize, minimize and hidden-to-tray on exit
and restore it at next start. Since Qt's restoreState() has some issues, I had
to workaround things a bit, so please test on your system and report if there are
still problems with the current implementation!

Fixes #677, fixes #452 (since the state is remembered, so just quit Quassel using the
tray context menu while it's hidden).


#1 Updated by Sputnick almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#2 Updated by Sputnick almost 16 years ago

  • Assignee set to Sputnick
  • Target version set to 0.4.2

Since the state is now properly remembered on exit, just quit Quassel while it's hidden using the tray context menu to have it startup hidden again.

#3 Updated by omeringen about 12 years ago

This is not working, for me at least. KDE 4.10
Any confirmation ?

#4 Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago

"This" is nicely vague of you, given how the commit implements several things. Assuming you mean restoring to system tray, see #1133 , which has a fix.

#5 Updated by omeringen about 12 years ago

"this" was about Sputnick's comment.

Sputnick wrote:

Since the state is now properly remembered on exit, just quit Quassel while it's hidden using the tray context menu to have it startup hidden again.

#6 Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago

Again, please see if the patch i linked you to several times fixes it. If not, leave a comment at #1133 as this issue is now linked to commits which do more than just the systray and i'm not going to reopen it when there's an open issue already.

#7 Updated by omeringen about 12 years ago

Actually my question is not only about system tray. According to Sputnick's comment, quassel was remembering the state (whatever it is, system tray or maximized) once upon a time. #1133 is only about system tray. Anyway, just wanted to say "remembering the last state" is not working anymore.

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