Feature #1358
Ignore highlights from certain users
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It would be preferable to ignore highlights from certain users/abusers. Most of the highlighted messages are somewhat important, but if someone goes on a rant or a bot notifies me, I wouldn't require a full-on highlight with orange background.
Related issues
#1 Updated by DemonWav over 8 years ago
I need this feature, I'm in a lot of channels with bridges between networks, and connections to games and such where I am constantly pinged from my other accounts.
#2 Updated by genius3000 over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #1283: Highlight ignore feature added
#3 Updated by genius3000 over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #989: Add ignore highlight option in a channel's context menu added
#4 Updated by genius3000 over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 0.13.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This can be done in 0.13 (as of this comment, -rc1 is out) with remote highlights.
There's a 'Highlight Ignore Rules' tab, which can be used just like a highlight rule, but to not highlight.