Bug #923
Quassel server hangs when deleting a large buffer.
When I deleted a huge buffer, Quassel got stuck. Client lagged behind the core server over 600 seconds. Disk activity (MD RAID1 with 2 disks) on the core server was very high. Finally after it had finished deleting the buffer, I received the some "new" IRC messages and an immediate disconnect (ping timeout) from all networks.
Can't this deletion be done in the background?
Gentoo Linux
net-irc/quassel-0.6_beta1 USE="dbus server ssl -X -ayatana -debug -kde -monolithic -phonon -postgres -webkit"
Qt 4.5.3
#1 Updated by Sputnick over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
This is due to the database being slooooow when it comes to deleting messages.
It would be nice to be able to background such long tasks (such as fetching the backlog as well), but I'm not sure right now how feasible that would be to implement.
#2 Updated by jotik over 6 years ago
This is still still an issue with 0.13_rc1, even with PostgreSQL.