Bug #711
When giving operator status to a person, the user list does not display the new operators
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When giving operator status to a person, the user list does not display the new operators, but the oped ones are removed form it
#1 Updated by sph almost 16 years ago
Yeah, this is confirmed, it surprises me I hadn't filed a bug report for it yet :)
EgS and I managed to reproduce it:
[19:59:14] --> sph_ (n=sph@...) has joined #blablablatest [20:45:54] --> EgS (n=egs@quassel/developer/egs) has joined #blablablatest [21:16:24] <sph_> let's see if we can reproduce it here! [21:16:27] *** Mode #blablablatest +o EgS by sph_ [21:16:28] <sph_> yep [21:16:35] <sph_> no more EgS in the list ;) [21:16:38] <EgS> ok I see it too :) [21:16:48] <sph_> it happens when one group is closing [21:17:00] <EgS> I see [21:17:03] <sph_> ie. when the last user/voice is moving group i think
Restarting the client fixes it so it's probably a simple bug in there.
#2 Updated by EgS almost 16 years ago
- Category set to Quassel Client
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to EgS
- Target version set to 0.4.3
- % Done changed from 0 to 100