Bug #54
signalproxy.cpp lacks any possibilty of detaching objects
I really really need to be able to detach objects from the proxy. at least in client mode.
with this nice Q_ASSERT(false) my chances are a bit slim at the time beeing...
signalproxy.cpp Line 88 ff:
void SignalProxy::detachObject(QObject* obj) {
Q_ASSERT(false); // not done yet
#1 Updated by Sputnick over 17 years ago
Done. Please test.
#2 Updated by EgS over 17 years ago
Though Detach Object seems to work, there seems to be a problem somewhere else in the SignalProxy
I got crashes when I exited Quassel. The crash happend while iterating over the connections in SignalProxy::detachObject(). I added a simpe qDebug:
void SignalProxy::detachObject(QObject* obj) {
qDebug() << "Number of peers:" << peers.count();
Number of peers: 81133568
#3 Updated by Sputnick over 17 years ago
Mac apparently deletes the children of Client in another order, thus causing crashes. We'll do that slightly differently to avoid this issue now.
#4 Updated by EgS over 17 years ago
Fixed with the all new signalproxy