Feature #539
Add basic command line interface options for server/port/channel/username connections using internal core
We would like to make quassel the default irc client on the upcoming sidux 2009-02 release (due in approx 2 months) which will be the first release to include kde4 - http://www.sidux.com
Currently we provide a support link via /usr/bin/sidux-irc which analyses the environment and installed irc clients, then does a default connection to main sidux support channel with a default+random suffix username.
We would like to be able to include quassel in this list of supported irc clients, but currently there is no way to initiate a direct connection to the specific server/channel/port/username with cli options.
As an example, the konversation startup looks like:exec "$KONVERSATION" --server "$IRC_SERVER" --port "$IRC_PORT" --channel "$IRC_CHANNEL" --nick "$NICK"
Ideally we would like that exact implementation to be available for quassel, using the internal core by default.
Bernard Gray