Bug #450
FindPhonon.cmake fails to find phonon library on win32
QT_PHONON_LIBRARY is set correctly (via FindQt4.cmake) but PHONON_LIBRARY is not due to different NAMES arguments.
Attached is a patch which adopts the NAMES from FindQt4.
(tested only on win32 with qt-4.4.3)
#1 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
#2 Updated by APTX about 16 years ago
On windows all release Qt libraries have a "4" appended for example: QtCore4.dll phonon4.lib
All debug Qt libraries have "d4" appended for example: QtCored4.dll phonond4.lib
#3 Updated by APTX about 16 years ago
The version number is appended only if Qt is built dynamically. Libs in a static Qt build do not have the "4" appended.
#4 Updated by Squider almost 16 years ago
The 0001-Enhance-FindPhonon.patch makes the release build link to the debug libraries, so this should be looked into with some care. This probably needs modifications to FIND_LIBRARY_WITH_DEBUG as well to make things work on all platform and with both static and shared linkage.
#5 Updated by seezer about 15 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- Target version set to 0.6.0
Solved in 0a63415ba90b58da6c79cf27ff333a3d1bc52986