Feature #228
Increase the preview buffer size in the settings of the Network window buffervieweditdlg.ui
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The middle part could be reduced easily.
#1 Updated by ZRegis over 16 years ago
Too fast it's bufferviewsettingspage.ui of course ;-)
#2 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
the sizing of the sections is completely handled via Qt's Layouts.
Hardcoding sizes would only result in problems with various translations as they need more or less space depending on the language.
#3 Updated by ZRegis over 16 years ago
A minimum size is a good idea, if you don't want a weird look and use.
#4 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
#5 Updated by al almost 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- OS set to Any