Bug #1302
Quassel replies to any form of CTCP request - even seemingly invalid ones.
Whenever any form of text contains \x01VERSION\x01 Quassel will reply.
(00:37:16) <@Zarthus> random garbage 'VERSION' more garbage
(00:37:17) [someone VERSION reply]: Quassel IRC v0.10-rc1 (git-74f0f8a) (built on Apr 29 2014 23:31:28) -- http://www.quassel-irc.org
(00:37:17) [someone2 VERSION reply]: Quassel IRC v0.11-pre (0.11-pre+83 git-f6cc3c4) (built on Apr 19 2014 11:09:37) -- http://www.quassel-irc.org
This mostly affects modes that disallow the sending of CTCP requests to the channel, and thus can be abused. However it doesn't pose a large threat, and therefore seems to be of trivial quality.
To reproduce, send any string containing \x01VERSION\x01 to any channel (obviously, this is ill advised to do this in large channels).
I'm not sure which versions this affects as I don't use Quassel, but the above two version replies were kept in to give an indication that it still seems to appear in recent versions.