Feature #1287
Whitelist/blacklist for "hot chat" shortcut
Implement a whitelist/blackist feature for the "hot chat" shortcut would be practical, as some chats are being used only for times need, and is time consuming to "hot chat" trough those, so you can get to the ones that you would like to see.
Active chats:
Chat 1
Chat 2
Chat 3
You use chat 2 for only a time when you need to ask something or anything else, but its highly active and it appears as a "hot chat" all the time, so the shortcut switches you to chat 2 everytime you want to switch to chat 1 or chat 3.
Im not sure if a whitelist would be needed but a blacklist would suffice.
#1 Updated by pitastrudl almost 11 years ago
Add blacklist(for "hot chat" shortcut) for types of messeages that the client gets, e.g. "hot chat" would only switch to channels that get a new chat messeage(not server chat but channel chat)
#2 Updated by pitastrudl over 10 years ago
Another note:
An option to redeisgn the hot chat shortcut would be that the buffer selector would jump to the next chat that has active users in it and not from joins/parts.
There is:
Chat 1((orange)
Chat 2(green
Chat 3(orange)
Chat 2 turned green coz someone joined
Chat 1 and 3 have active users in them
Chat buffer selector is on Chat 1.
Upon pressing the hot chat shortcut, the selector would jump from chat 1 to chat 3.
(present)-->the selector jumps to a buffer that had anything new in it.
A whitelist/blacklist or configuration for the hot chat would be welcome, since then we could configure how the hot chat function actually would work
#3 Updated by pitastrudl over 10 years ago
Maybe add priority to what the shortcut would switch to. Like a buffer with a unread highlight would be top priority, while other active ones would be set by something else.