Bug #1277
/me without any extra message is only compatible with Quassel, other clients show /ctcp #channel ACTION
When doing /me without any extra message attached, it will show as an empty /me to others with Quassel, but as `CTCP #channel ACTION` to others.
#1 Updated by netzvieh over 10 years ago
Not sure this is a bug. /me is specified as /ctcp #channel ACTION. Some/most clients block empty /me, but allow empty /ctcp #channel action messages.
So what could be done:
- quassel doesn't send empty /me messages
- quassel does not display empty /ctcp #channel ACTION as empty /me messages, but like other clients in the status window of the network
I think quassel should block empty /me messages from being sent - problem is, this is handled in the core. You could easily drop the message in the core, but it'd probably more desireable to block it from being sent to the core at all?
#2 Updated by Dykam over 10 years ago
Is that not a dual-sided thing? Prevent in the core, also prevent on the client for a better experience?