Bug #1242
Client as of quassel 0.9.0 does not run and outputs "No DockManager available"
After upgrading to 0.9.0, running 'quasselclient' in an xterm outputs the following...
$ quasselclient
No DockManager available
No GUI appears and no further output is made available at this point.
#1 Updated by speedevil over 11 years ago
shiznix wrote:
After upgrading to 0.9.0, running 'quasselclient' in an xterm outputs the following...
$ quasselclient
No DockManager availableNo GUI appears and no further output is made available at this point.
An almost content free 'Me too' - but it did work for a few days.
Ok - some more investigation.
Blowing away the configdir makes it behave again.
#2 Updated by speedevil over 11 years ago
Platform Version 4.10.5 - Slackware current-64.
Dockmanager unavailable appears if it works or not - it does not seem required to exhubit the hang.
#3 Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Correct, the whole dockmanager message is just a leftover debug message. Hardly anyone actually has a DockManager. See if it properly crashes (hoping you had debug symbols) by checking ~/.config/quassel-irc.org for Quassel-Crash-$date-$time.log
#4 Updated by shiznix over 11 years ago
Found the problem, and it's not a Quassel bug so this can be closed (I don't see an option anywhere for me to do this).
The problem was that I was using Ubuntu.
They have chosen to remove the systray from their Unity desktop in the vain hope that developers will adopt their indicators API instead.
So, my Quassel was actually running but minimised to the non-existent systray.
#5 Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
It must've been in the tray already then; it only starts minimized to tray in 0.9.0, and only if it was closed from the tray. Also, quassel already has an indicator backend (implemented by Canonical).