


Feature #1002

AMSG and AME commands

Added by rono over 14 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

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Each of the programs I tested had these useful commands (/AME and /AMSG), can be implemented with a simple script mirc, depending on whether they will deploy scripts or not, would be useful to add in the source code. It would also be useful one command /retry to re-enter in a channel or rejoin a channel automatically in case of kick.

Personalmente, pienso que el único código que se podría implementar sería mirc script, implementar python, perl o ruby harán que quassel pierda el encanto que tiene (y para usar python, perl o ruby usaría el xchat).

PS: I liked the last update a lot, I hope they can implement mirc codes for colors.

Thank you very much for making this possible, keep it up!


#1 Updated by rono over 14 years ago

Each of the programs I tested had these useful commands (/AME and /AMSG), can be implemented with a simple script mirc, depending on whether they will deploy scripts or not, would be useful to add in the source code. It would also be useful one command /retry to re-enter in a channel or rejoin a channel automatically in case of kick.

Personally, I think the only code that could be implemented would mirc script, implement python, perl or ruby will make quassel lose the charm that has (and to use python, perl or ruby would use xchat).

PS: I liked the last update a lot, I hope they can implement mirc codes for colors.

Thank you very much for making this possible, keep it up!

#2 Updated by Loone over 14 years ago

rono wrote:

Each of the programs I tested had these useful commands (/AME and /AMSG), can be implemented with a simple script mirc, depending on whether they will deploy scripts or not, would be useful to add in the source code. It would also be useful one command /retry to re-enter in a channel or rejoin a channel automatically in case of kick.

Personally, I think the only code that could be implemented would mirc script, implement python, perl or ruby will make quassel lose the charm that has (and to use python, perl or ruby would use xchat).

PS: I liked the last update a lot, I hope they can implement mirc codes for colors.

Thank you very much for making this possible, keep it up!

i'm loooking for this too, i really like quasselIRC and i don't want to go back to mIRC becouse this feature is missing. some could say "it raises the spam on the channels", i can say u can add bots that prevent it on your channel. i'm an online player and i ahve to look for a war i'd like to use amsg instead of copy/paste on everychannel i joined :)

#3 Updated by Loone over 14 years ago

agreed, i'm an ut2004's player and amsg was usefull to search war without copy/paste on every channel :D

#4 Updated by Brian_H over 12 years ago

I'd be willing to chip in a donation for this feature.

#5 Updated by gry over 12 years ago

I would suggest we make the feature available, but do not enable by default.

In my view it is fairly abuseable and I think that it being a tickbox in options or it being possible to create it using alias would improve users experience as they would not get kicked, banned, glined etc if they misuse an ame or an amsg due to its ready availability. (This does not mean an insult to all those who want the feature, it should be turnable on, but when turning it on the user could possibly be warned or at least be slightly stumped by the effort needed to enable it.)

#6 Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

making every silly little thing optional is annoying. especially for commands. you also don't gain a thing as people who are aware of amsg/ame and abuse it will be able to find the option as well. i think consensus on this particular 'feature' is to have it done with scripting once that's possible.

#7 Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

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